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Cataracts are simply a cloudiness or opacity in the natural lens of the eye. The primary symptoms of cataracts include blurry vision and glare with headlights and bright sun. Other symptoms can include decreased color perception, decreased nighttime vision, and changes in glasses.  

Cataract surgery is a fairly quick 10-15 minutes procedure done at an out-patient surgical center. Surgery presents a unique opportunity for patients to choose their corrective vision goals for after surgery. Technology today has many different options for patients and their individual visual goals.   

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a condition which affects the central part of the retina and as a result your central vision. It is both age related and genetic running in families. Macular degeneration is divided into two major classes - dry and wet. It is recommended that dilated eye exams be performed on a six month basis and that patients self monitor with an Amsler grid.  In addition, a sophisticated scan of the macula using an OCT machine is performed to look for any subtle fluid or swelling.  These scans show incredible detail of the retina and can often detect conditions before they are visible with the microscope. Our practice utilizes the latest version of OCT which is updated regularly. 

Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes can affect the eyes in both the short term and long term.  In the short term, glucose or sugar fluctuations can cause changes in a patient's glasses prescription. As a result, it is generally not a good idea to make changes in glasses unless the hemoglobin A1C level is under good control - ideally less than 7. In the long term, diabetes does most of its damage by damaging blood vessels and their walls. In early stages, much of this damage is asymptomatic. When the retinopathy becomes more severe, the vision may become affected sometimes dramatically when there is a bleed or hemorrhage in the eye.  Fortunately, most retinopathy develops slowly over years and if patients maintain a regular schedule of getting their dilated eye exams, it can be detected, followed, and when necessary treated to prevent vision loss.  The most current OCT machines allow for imaging of any swelling from leaking blood vessels and can even be used to perform an angiogram or image of blood flow in the retina without the use and potential risks of IV dye.


Glaucoma is a disease in which the fluid pressure within the eye is elevated and this in turn causes damage to the optic nerve and loss of peripheral vision. Most forms of glaucoma are "silent" and have no symptoms to alert patients to its presence. The best way to prevent damage is to regularly follow up with you ophthalmologist.  

Treatment most often is the use of medicated eye drops. These eye drops may be use once to three times a day depending on the medication. If eye drops are unsuccessful, the next treatment would be Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) an in office procedure to reduce intraocular pressure. 


Dry Eye

Dry eye is an incredibly common condition and one which is frequently under diagnosed. Symptoms range from blurred vision, burning, irritated eyes, foreign body sensation, a tired or heavy feeling in the eyes, and tearing.  Yes - reflex tearing occurs when the eyes get too dry.  

One of the main challenges in dry eye is determining why they are dry but unfortunately treatment is not 'one size fits all'. Understanding lifestyle, medication effects, and other health conditions are important to successfully treat. 

Created by Ayla Nicole 2022

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