Specializing in cataract surgery and comprehensive ophthalmology
New Patients
We are accepting new patients; however, with several ophthalmologists recently retiring, we have had a large influx of new patients. We are doing our best to see everyone for appointments in a timely manner but we are a single doctor practice.
Dr. Hodges works diligently to see as many patients as he can while maintaining a high standard of care. We appreciate your understanding while we work to accommodate all of our patients, existing and new.
Fall Allergy Season
Changing leaves and colder weather brings pollen! Allergies can cause watering/tearing eyes, irritation, itching, and puffiness. Over the counter eye drops are available to help the symptoms such as; Pataday, Zaditor, and Lastacaft.
License Renewal
Dr. Hodges has renewed his Maryland medical license until September 2026!
We've Updated Our OCT
February 2024
We've updated our OCT to the most current version and software which will allow for most accurate scans of retinal and optic nerve disease.
Board Certified
Dr. Hodges has successfully completed Board Recertification, which will be until 2026. Click here to learn more.
See a Firsthand Account of Cataract Surgery Published in the Frederick News Post
January 21, 2016
Learn more about the surgery experience in this article, written by one of our patients.
At Frederick Eye Institute, we
are a Comprehensive
Ophthalmology practice
specializing in cataract surgery
and lens implants. We also
provide state of the art care for
glaucoma, macular degeneration,
diabetes, dry eyes, etc. as well
as routine eye exams. While we
employ the latest technology to diagnose and treat your eyes, we take pride in providing compassionate attention to individual's problems and in explaining these issues in understandable terms so that our patients can truly take charge of their own health.

Do You Really Need Expensive Cataract Surgery?
Let's face it - the insurance companies always want to reduce physician payments. In recent years, one way eye surgeons have combated this trend is to add refractive components to their surgical technique which adds to the costs and are largely out of pocket.
Some of these such as lens implants for astigmatism are well worth the extra costs. Others, however, are not and can even have negative effects if it does not match the patient's visual goals. So what should you do? Obviously, always ask about the pros and cons of any proposed treatment but if you're faced with being told that you "need" cataract surgery with expensive out of pocket costs, simply get a second opinion.

Created by Ayla Nicole 2022